Who needs a diaper change?
According to data from The National Diaper Bank Network Diaper Check 2024: Diaper Insecurity among U.S. Children and Families, 1 in 2 U.S. families cannot afford enough diapers to keep their infant or child clean, dry, and healthy.
Babies need an average of 8 to 10 diapers daily, costing $85 or more monthly. Many families in need of diapers are working parents, but low-income jobs don’t always cover basic needs.
No state or federal safety net program allocates dollars specifically for the purchase of diapers. WIC and food stamps cannot be used to purchase diapers.
Without an adequate supply of diapers, babies cannot participate in childcare. Without childcare, parents cannot work.
The poverty rates of four counties we serve, Stark, Carroll, Harrison, and Tuscarawas, are higher than the state and national rates, according to the 2022 State of Poverty in Ohio Report from the Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies. Ohio Diaper Facts compiled from the National Diaper Bank Network can be found at https://nationaldiaperbanknetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/Ohio.pdf
Many children in our community are impacted by the lack of diapers often suffering from reoccurring rashes and urinary infections, creating stress on families.

Frequently Asked Questions
May I come to the Heart of Ohio Diaper Bank Warehouse Workspace to pick up diapers, wipes, period supplies, and adult briefs?
The Heart of Ohio Diaper Bank DOES NOT distribute essentials to individuals from our storage center. They are distributed through our Distribution Partner locations.
Do Community Distribution Site Partners give essentials to everyone requesting them?
Please contact the agency prior to going to their offices to make sure that you qualify and to check their office hours. Each agency has its own set of requirements for qualification to receive items.
What size/brand of diapers do you distribute?
The Heart of Ohio Diaper Bank carries sizes Newborn through Size 7, and pull-ups for boys and girls. Since the Diaper Bank accepts diaper donations and holds several diaper drives yearly, we carry many brands!
Are all essentials are repacked or distributed in original packaging?
The Heart of Ohio Diaper Bank volunteers repack the diapers in quantities of 25 per pack for sizes NB to 7 and pull-ups. Each Distribution Partner will distribute a maximum of two packs of diapers a month per child to families with emergency needs. This ensures that more children will receive diapers.